22 Unproven Fan Theories That Actually Make Sense
We don't always get the full story when it comes to the stories we enjoy, which leaves the fans speculating about what could possibly happen if...
Published 3 years ago in Ftw
We don't always get the full story when it comes to the stories we enjoy, which leaves the fans speculating about what could possibly happen if the story we're told in a different way. Over at r/AskReddit we got a look at some fan theories that could possibly be true.
Doc Brown murdered Marty Mcfly. When Marty comes back to 1985, he arrives just in time to see himself go back to 1955. Only that wasn't him. That was the Marty who grew up rich. Doc must have convinced rich Martyhim to help, and sent him into the distant past with no way of returning to complete the loop. -u/Sirgeeeo3
That most of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off happens in Cameron’s imagination. Ferris is a popular kid he doesn’t really know that well, so to cope with another day he’s too neurotically anxious to go to school, he imagines what it would be like to spend a day skipping school with the popular kid and his hot girlfriend. -u/SniffleBot4
Ty Lee is able to perform physically impossible aerial stunts because she's an airbender who doesn't know she's bending, probably descended from airbenders who escaped the genocide by chi-blocking the firebenders. They hid in plain sight in the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation by enforcing strict conformity on their children in order to "pass" and teaching them chi blocking. They also have lots of kids to one day make enough descendants to eventually repopulate the air temples. That's why Ty Lee has 6-7 siblings when most upper-class fire nation families appear to have 1-2 children and she's frustrated that her family treats her as part of a "matched set" and discourages standing out. -u/lemontreelemur5
The US government dropped the bombs first on the Chinese and the Soviets in Fallout, with the intention to rinse the planet clean of human life, with only them (the Enclave) emerging hundreds of years later as the last humans left on Earth. The FEV virus was already in the making and was in fact from the beginning made as a bio-weapon; with the creation of "super-soldiers" being just a pretext to further research into the virus as to how to make it lethal and extremely virulent. They planned after all to release the Curling-13 strain on the wasteland 150 years after the atomic bombs to kill all those who have survived the nuclear holocaust. Vault-Tec played a role in this too by creating the vaults in order to create sociological experiments to see various scenarios as to how to adapt on the empty planet after the Enclave emerges from their outposts. -u/7thGenerationConsole9
More obscure, but the idea that Neander Wallace from Blade Runner 2049 is actually a replicant. Wallace controls all replicant production, and was single-handedly responsible for the reverse on the ban on replicants. He is also blind and uses eye implants. The film shows that older gen replicants have ripped out the eye containing their serial numbers so they cannot be identified as not human. Wallace even utters the line “we are the Gods now.” I like the idea that he is an old generation replicant who blinded himself to hide his origins and took over the replicant industry in order to control and ensure the continuation of his species. -u/mafternoonshyamalan10
In The Office (US) Kevin is actually as smart as Michael said he was. He is also the actual Office prankster and gets the whole office in on making him out to be this big dumb guy. The fact he ended his character arc by buying a bar and doing extremely well despite getting fired for making up a magic number that solves all the offices problems just doesn’t add up. -u/saturnplanetpowerrr11
In the show Loki, the main version of Kang has made himself immortal via a groundhogs day style timeloop. His plan is not about preventing a war, he is trying to find a way to kill himself and end the reincarnation loop because he is tired and wants to die. Loki says that he is just a regular human man, and kang confirms this. He is not an immortal and has a normal lifespan. -u/Zankeru12
At the end of The Thing, Kurt Russell's character gives Keith David's character a sip from his flask. But really, he has just given Keith David a sip of gasoline. This ties back to the introduction of Kurt Russell's character, when he "defeats" the chess computer by short-circuiting it with whiskey. So when Kurt Russell smiles wryly after watching Keith David drink gasoline without reacting, he's smiling because he has proven that Keith David is actually The Thing, but he's still gonna die. -u/Apeman11715
The Rock (the movie) is actually a James Bond movie. Aside from being played by Connery, John Mason explains that he was trained by British Intelligence. At the end of Diamonds Are Forever, Bond is on the SS Cannera, which docked in San Francisco in 1971, just one year before Mason was captured in The Rock. -u/SingleFunction22018
Harry, Snape and Voldemort are the three brothers (the Peverells) from the story of the deathly hallows. It's sorta a history repeating itself case Voldemort is the first brother who desired the world's most powerful wand Snape is the second brother who wanted to bring back the woman he loved And Harry was the third brother who wanted to use the invisibility cloak to lead a peaceful life This coincidentally would make Dumbledore death because at one point he possessed all three of the Hallows and when Harry saw him near the end of the last book, he greeted Dumbledore like an old friend, Just as the third Peverell brother did. -u/Unable_Movile827519
The Mad Max series of movies are just stories, fables, passed down from generation to generation. Max is a folk hero of the wasteland. All of the stories begin and end the same way. Whether or not he ever really existed no one knows. He could be a conglomeration of many men or just some stranger who helped out one warrior tribe back in the day and grew into a folklore legend like Paul Bunyan or Robin Hood. -u/morecomplete